VMs with Ballooned or Swapped memory

Here is a short script that will list all VMs that have Swapped & Ballooned Memory, it can be useful for tracking down VMs experiencing performance issues on clusters running into contention issues get-vm | select name, @{N=’MemoryMB’;E={$_.MemoryMB}}, @{N=’SwappedMemory’;E={$_.ExtensionData.Summary.QuickStats.SwappedMemory}}, @{N=’Ballooned’;E={$_.ExtensionData.Summary.QuickStats.BalloonedMemory}} | Where {$_.SwappedMemory -ne “0” -or $_.Ballooned -ne “0”} | ft


Which host should i deploy to based off current CPU & Memory usage?

The function “VP-WhichHost” will check the average CPU & Memory utilization of a specified cluster and then display all hosts that are below the average. All results are taken from real time metrics. It is broken out into 3 sections of “Below Average Memory”, “Below Average CPU” & “Below both AVG CPU & Memory” to


List all hosts in a cluster then pull the CDP Information

The function “VP-HostCDPInfo” will list all hosts in cluster $Global:CLUChoice from DC $Global:DCChoice, you can then select a host and list its CDP information for each NIC Get host CDP Informationfunction VP-HostCDPInfo { $hosts = Get-datacenter $Global:DCChoice | Get-Cluster $Global:CLUChoice | get-vmhost Write-Host “================ Select host ================” $i = 1 $hosts | ForEach-Object -Process {
