New Lab

As any techie knows, the best way to keep on top of the ever changing products and services they specialize in is to either run a Lab or make use of lab like environments. Fortunately with VMware we have the awesome VMware Hands On Labs (HOL) which allows you to test many if not all their latest products. For me though, nothing beats having some extra kit at home or work to test things with… Its been long overdue but my new lab is starting to take shape. Currently we have the following hardware

2 x Cisco 3750 Switch
2 x Cisco 2800 Router
Cisco 5510 Firewall
HP Proliant DL385 G7 Server
– 2 x AMD Opteron 12 Core Proc
– 128GB RAM
– 2 x 120GB SSD in RAID0 for vswap
– 4 x 240GB SSD in RAID10 for VM Storage
– 4 x 500GB HDD in RAID5 for VM Storage

I know the server isnt exactly up to date infrastructure but should suit my purpose. I will be running the lab nested on the single host and will do my best to blog the whole build.


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