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Check host domain membership

Quick one line list all host in a cluster and display their domain membership status Get-Datacenter $global:DCChoice | Get-Cluster $global:CLUChoice | get-vmhost | Get-VMHostAuthentication | select -Property VMhost, @{N=”Domain”;E={$_.vmhost.Domain}},@{N=”DomainMembershipStatus”;E={$_.vmhost.DomainMembershipStatus}}


PowerCLI Menu

For some time now I’ve wanted to put together a PowerCLI menu system, just to make running common commands a little faster. Let’s start with vCenter, unfortunately, this is the only part that hardcoded so you’re going to need to amend this to include your vCenters FQDN ###############################File Location ############################### $scriptDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path



Sorry everyone, its been a long time since ive posted a blog! I have been very busy unfortunately with family life and a few changes in job. The good news is that ive been playing around with alot of powershell recently and ive got a significant amount of code to share with you all! Theres
