Script to take hosts out of maintenance mode in vCenter & vROPs

On occasion, I’ve noticed that people can sometimes forget to take a host out of maintenance mode in vROPs after completing some work in vCenter. I have created a short PowerCLI script that will pull a list of hosts from a specified CSV file, connect to your vCenter & vROPs then exit the listed hosts


Connect-VIServer “The SSL Connection Could Not be established”

A super quick post about an issue you’re only really likely to see the first time you use PowerCLI on a system. If youre vCenter is using a certificate that’s not trusted by your device you will see the error: “The SSL Connection could not be established, see inner exception” Fortunately, it’s a quick fix


Create unique host profiles for each host in a cluster

The below command will create a host profile for each host found in $global:CLUChoice, The profile will be named “VMhostName-Profile” and will include the date the profile was taken in the description $global:DCChoice – Datacenter$global:CLUChoice – Cluster Get-Datacenter $global:DCChoice | Get-Cluster $global:CLUChoice | Get-VMHost | ForEach-Object -Process { New-VMHostProfile -Name “$($_.Name)-Profile” -Description “$($_.Name)) Profile. This
