Back up all VMhost configuration

Quick function that pulls the configuration from all of your vmhosts and saves its to a specified location. If you want to tie this down to a specific Datacenter or Cluster just specify it before “Get-VMHost” Function BackupHosts { $FilePath = Read-host ” Enter located to save files” foreach($esxcli in Get-VMHost){Get-VMHostFirmware -VMHost $esxcli -BackupConfiguration -DestinationPath


List my hosts BIOS version

Today i was asked to confirm the BIOS version of all the hosts in a customers estates to allow them to plan an upgrade. Initially they had planned to check each iLO individually which would have been extremely time consuming, fortunately, there is a quick PowerCLI method: get-vmhost | select name, @{N=” Model”;E={($_ | get-view).hardware.systeminfo.Model}},


VMs with Ballooned or Swapped memory

Here is a short script that will list all VMs that have Swapped & Ballooned Memory, it can be useful for tracking down VMs experiencing performance issues on clusters running into contention issues get-vm | select name, @{N=’MemoryMB’;E={$_.MemoryMB}}, @{N=’SwappedMemory’;E={$_.ExtensionData.Summary.QuickStats.SwappedMemory}}, @{N=’Ballooned’;E={$_.ExtensionData.Summary.QuickStats.BalloonedMemory}} | Where {$_.SwappedMemory -ne “0” -or $_.Ballooned -ne “0”} | ft
